Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Support Services Articles

Student Spotlight: Shreya Kumar


Welcome to our newest Facilities Management (FM) communications intern, Shreya Kumar! Shreya is a fourth-year communications major with minors in Managerial Economics, Technology Management and Professional Writing, and has been working as a communications intern for FM since this past August.

Communicating Creatively and Effectively


This month, we are highlighting our newest Facilities Management (FM) communications and marketing intern, Alma Culverwell! Alma is a second-year political science major with a global studies minor and has been working as a communications and marketing intern for FM since the end of April.

Prior to starting at FM, Alma had experience working for UC Davis at the city news desk of the California Aggie Newspaper. She began working at the Cal Aggie in March 2023 and still holds her position as a staff writer.

Team Spotlight: Safety Team

Our Safety Team works diligently to ensure that Facilities Management (FM) staff are safe and supported in all of the crucial work they do for our campus. The team has almost 50 years of combined experience and is made up of 1 Environmental Health & Safety Manager and 3 safety Officers, listed below. 

Staff Spotlight: Fidel Cadenas Lara


Please join us in welcoming the newest member of our Customer Experience Center (CEC) team, Fidel Cadenas Lara! Fidel joined the team in early March and is already a valuable member of the CEC.

We sat down to speak with Fidel just a week after he started his new role to get to know more about him. Fidel is new to working at UC Davis, but had some familiarity with the campus from participating in basketball games here in college! Even so, he says he has been shocked to learn how large the campus actually is! 

Gaining Design Experience

This quarter we are highlighting Facilities Management (FM)’s newest marketing and communications intern, Emily Reed! Emily is a fourth-year design and political science major and started working at FM this past June. 

Staff Profile | Kyleigh Juarez and Naisa Navarro

Please join us in welcoming Kyleigh Juarez and Naisa Navarro, two of our new Customer Experience Center (CEC) team members, to Facilities Management! Since starting at the CEC in July and September, respectively, Kyleigh and Naisa have been fantastic additions to the team! 

Customer Experience is a Hub of Activity!

All work orders and follow-up information flow through the Customer Experience Center. You can feel the charge in the air from all of the moving parts being put into place as this group takes information from customers and ensures it goes to the right technician quickly.

From FM Intern to Future Social Worker

Celeste Angulo is a fourth-year student employee pursuing a double major in Anthropology and Chicano Studies with a minor in Linguistics. Celeste’s first job with UC Davis began working as an intern for Facilities Management Operations Support, Customer Experience Center.

CEC Utilizes FacilitiesLink and You Should Too!

From unknown room numbers to class schedules to contact information, the CEC has a resource that can solve even the toughest mysteries to get technicians to the right locations at the right times. That resource is FacilitiesLink.