Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Utilities Operations

Our Services


Utilities Services provides consistent and reliable large-scale utility infrastructure and operations supporting teaching, learning and research. Our expertise includes:

  • Campus power management, including exterior lighting, electrical supply, and emergency backup generators.
  • Transforming waste into resources through the proper collection and disposal of refuse, wastewater, an interconnected sewer and drainage system, and converting organic waste into electricity to supply the campus grid
  • Managing of our Central Heating and Cooling Plant
  • Managing our city-scale water system (industrial, firefighting and irrigation)
  • Maintaining our campus-wide natural gas network
  • Provide centralized support for utility billing
  • Energy & Water reporting and metrics

Current Utilities Rates

ServiceHourly Rate
Inspector, Planner, Estimator (IPE)$142
High-Voltage Electrician$192
Water & Wastewater Operator$153