Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Green Building Certifications

Promoting Sustainable, Green Campus Operations

The Green Buildings Team promotes sustainable operations on the UC Davis campus through the pursuit of green building certifications. We work with building occupants and campus partners to collect building information for certification efforts. We focus on occupant comfort, building and grounds maintenance, campus policies, energy and water usage, and purchasing.

All LEED existing building certification processes are made possible by our Green Building interns. Our student team is responsible for completing each credit, which involves interpreting campus policy, performing calculations, conducting audits, and collecting data from building occupants and campus databases.  We place value in creating a living lab environment in which our students can gain hands-on experience that enhances their UC Davis education.

The Green Buildings Team certifies existing campus buildings under Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design for Existing Buildings: Operations & Maintenance (LEED EB: OM) and the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method In-Use (BREEAM In-Use) certification. Read case studies from certified buildings below.

LEED Certified Existing Buildings


Shields Library is LEED Gold Certified

We are proud to announce Shields Library is officially certified as a LEED Green Building! As of May 2021, Shields earned the LEED Gold Certification in the Existing Buildings: Operations & Management category with 73 out of 110 total points.

Toxic Pollutant Health Research Laboratory is LEED Gold Certified

In June 2020, the Toxic Pollutant Health Research Laboratory Building earned LEED Gold Certification with 72 out of 110 total points. This was a collaborative project with contributions from the teams within Facilities Management, the TPHRL building occupants and facility managers, the Green Building Team, and more!