Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Staff Profiles

Business Partner Spotlight: Carlee Gnos

We are excited to feature Carlee Gnos as one of our new Associate HR Business Partners who helps support the work we do here at Facilities Management. Carlee started working with UC Davis this past December!

Staff Spotlight: Nathan Plitt

Introducing Nathan Plitt, our new supervisor of Plumbing Projects and Fire Protection. Nathan has worked with Facilities Management (FM) for 2 years and previously worked as a plumber with FM!

Team Spotlight: Learning by Leading

The Learning by Leading™ Program (or LxL) is a student leadership development program offered by the UC Davis Arboretum and Public Garden that provides undergraduates with hands-on, real-world experience in environmental and public garden management.

Team Spotlight: Solid Waste

This quarter, we want to highlight a team that plays a crucial yet often overlooked role in maintaining the cleanliness and sustainability of our campus, the Solid Waste Team! This team ensures that all waste, from garbage to recyclables, is efficiently collected and properly managed. While their work may not always be visible, the impact they have on campus life is undeniable.

Business Partner Spotlight: Stacey Waller


This quarter, we are highlighting Stacey Waller, one of our business partners who supports the work we do at Facilities Management. Stacey started working with UC Davis in 2013 at the former IT Services. She has worked her current position as Service Desk Supervisor for Administrative IT since 2022.

Staff Spotlight: Federico Albarracin


Federico Albarracin has been working with UC Davis and Facilities Management for four years as a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist. Federico began as an intern in the GIS office in 2018 before being hired as a full-time staff member in November 2020.

In his current role, Federico primarily manages updates to AutoCAD utilities master files, ensuring that the data accurately reflects the most updated state and locations of assets. He also works to keep Facilities Maps updated, prioritizing detail, precision and accuracy.

Team Spotlight: Engineering and Compliance


This newsletter, we want to highlight the hard work of the Utilities Operations Engineering and Compliance Team, who play a crucial role in ensuring that both public health and environmental standards are met on campus. With a dedicated group of professionals, this Facilities Management (FM) team is committed to maintaining high-quality water systems and waste management practices. We sat down with Courtney Doss, who has been Senior Civil Engineer since February, to learn more about the team and what they do.

Team Spotlight: Controls


This quarter we are highlighting the Controls Team at Facilities Management (FM) and the vital role they play on the UC Davis Campus! The team is made up of an involved and experienced team that prioritizes campus comfort and helping customers. In order to learn more about the ins and outs of the team, we sat down with Justin Lewis and Mike Campos.