Lead Times for Service Requests

The approximate response time for high priority tasks is 60 minutes or less.
For example, elevator, roof leaks, animal welfare and/or research. 

Lead time is the average number of days that elapse between the creation of a work task to it's start date, or when a Facilities staff member is available to work on the task. The following estimates are the lead times for medium and low priority tasks. 

Estimated Lead Times

Facilities ShopExample TaskLead Time A, B 
MechanicalToo Hot or Too Cold 4-16 days
Electrical MaintenanceOutlets Not Working4-9  days
SteamNo Hot Water/Boiler Issues4-6 days
Pest ControlSpray for Ants3-6 days
PlumbingMinor Leaks or Plumbing Fixtures (faucet, shower head, etc.)3-6  days
RoofingRoof Repairs, Cleaning Gutters, Removing Debris5-11 days
PaintPatch and Paint100 days
GlassBroken Window6-25 days
LocksReplacing Locks, Rekeying, Broken Door Hardware4-32 days
KeysOrdering Key Copies32 days
FlooringBaseboards, Floor Replacement21- 24 days
Lighting Relamping and Repairing Ballasts60-90 days
Routine CarpentryCeiling tiles, Fixing Sheetrock Holes, etc.57 days


  • ALead times are estimated in business days.
  • BThe range of days represents the estimated lead time for a medium priority task first and a low priority task second. For example, (medium priority lead time - low priority lead time).