Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Student Spotlight: Shreya Kumar


Welcome to our newest Facilities Management (FM) communications intern, Shreya Kumar! Shreya is a fourth-year communications major with minors in Managerial Economics, Technology Management and Professional Writing, and has been working as a communications intern for FM since this past August.

Prior to starting at FM, Shreya worked as an Emergency Communications and Writing Intern with UC Davis Strategic Communications and published articles for the faculty-staff publication Dateline. She also publishes articles working as a staff writer at the arts and culture desk at the California Aggie and as a content writer for the online student magazine HerCampus.

As a communications intern at FM, Shreya primarily works on creating the quarterly FM newsletters and spends her work day researching, conducting interviews, and writing articles highlighting other FM employees and the exciting projects that people are working on. She also helps out with creating mobile billboards and other content displayed around the office.

Shreya’s favorite aspect of her role at FM is being able to learn and work with people from various departments at UC Davis and being able to share their stories with everyone at FM! She says it’s very exciting to get a behind the scenes look at all the work that goes into managing the campus facilities and she is always learning something new. Additionally, she really values the warm and welcoming atmosphere within the FM office that makes every day lots of fun.

After she graduates this spring, Shreya hopes to pursue a career in marketing or consulting. She is thankful that she is able to use her writing skills at FM to gain important professional experience that will help her in the future.

In her free time, Shreya loves spending time cooking and baking with her friends and family, writing, listening to music, and going to concerts. She also dedicates her time to the TEDxUCDavis as its Marketing & Design Director! Thank you Shreya for all your hard work at Facilities Management and beyond!

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