Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Building Maintenance Services

Our Services


Building Maintenance Services is the repair and maintenance provider for all research, academic, and classroom facilities on the UC Davis campus. With more than 12 million square feet and over 1,200 buildings, our multi-skilled trades personnel are experts in the following areas: 

  • Electrical, elevator & alarm systems
  • Mechanical systems such as ventilation, heating, air conditioning, sheet metal and refrigeration
  • Plumbing & hot water operations
  • Structural such as carpentry, flooring, pest control, locks/keys, painting and roofing


  • How do I submit a work order request?
  • You can submit a work order via the AggieFacilities online work order system, or contact the Customer Experience Center at 530-752-1655.
  • How are work orders prioritized?
  • Emergencies always take priority and are dispatched immediately. Emergency issues are those that affect teaching or research, involve health and safety of animals or humans, or which threaten damage to facilities. Non-emergency work is typically performed on a first come, first serve basis.
  • Does someone need to be present when work is being performed in my office or building?
  • No. All we require is a contact name and phone number for the person who requested the service. If you would like someone to be present while the work is performed, please indicate that when placing the request.
  • What is paid for by your department vs Facilities Management?
  • Any repair on department-owned structures may be recharged to the department. Any repair on the physical facility owned by the university may be covered by Facilities Management.


BMS Rates

ServiceHourly RateOvertime Rate
Elevator Mechanic (SPPM)$283$368
Inspector, Planner, Estimator (IPE) or Supervisor$142$185
Mechanical, Electrical, Structural or Plumbing Mechanic (SPPM)$168$218
Mechanic (PPM/SBMW)$162$211