Shining a Light on Campus Safety
How the exterior lighting team works to keep campus safe!

The exterior lighting team, who manages over 13,000 lights and 5 intersections of traffic signals on campus, works tirelessly to improve campus safety. We sat down with Philip Erickson, who supervises the team, to talk about all the important work they are doing.
Philip says his team’s most important responsibility is “ensuring that as many lights as possible on campus are functioning correctly”. With over 40 years of combined experience, the exterior lighting team are definitely pros at handling lighting issues and projects! The team is made up of 6 staff members, who are listed below:
- Philip Erickson, Supervisor
- Derek Benson
- Reece Carson
- Israel Chua
- Jaime Vasquez
- Seth Young
To start off their work day, the team canvasses campus for any lights that are down while it's still dark out (at around 5:30 am!). They stay proactive by making sure lighting issues are handled before someone calls them in. The team then splits up, with some continuing to handle lighting issues they spotted or that customers sent in, while others work on larger projects.
The team completes many lighting projects throughout the year, especially during the summer when campus is less busy. Many of their projects involve replacing fluorescent, high pressure sodium, and metal halide fixtures with LED fixtures, which helps save energy and reduce carbon emissions! Some recent projects include installing LED lighting at the Unitrans bush wash, Howard Sports Field, and University Extension. The team collaborates with other FM units to complete many projects, including a recent lighting repair at Regan hall, where they worked with Utilities Water & Gas to dig trenches for conduit and wire replacement.
One of the most important ways that the exterior lighting team receives feedback on how lighting on campus is functioning is through the annual campus lighting safety walk! Faculty, staff and students participate in a walk through campus to identify any lighting that isn’t functioning or areas that need additional lighting. The lighting team then takes this feedback and works to improve lighting in the most important areas. If you’d like to participate in this year’s campus lighting safety walk, it’s just around the corner! The walk will take place on January 23rd from 5-8pm - click here to find out more information or RSVP!
To stay up to date with improvements in lighting technology and make sure the team is staying sharp, they regularly participate in training courses. Philip and Joe Carbahal, superintendent of Utilities Power and Lights, also frequently discuss any new lighting innovations that the team can incorporate into campus fixtures.
As the lighting team looks toward the future, they are focused on efficiency, sustainability, and safety. They will continue to replace all outdated technology fixtures with LED fixtures in many different facilities in the upcoming years. The team is also working to make sure that lighting fixture types are standardized to keep things simpler for repair and maintenance. Finally, the team will be working on getting electricity to new emergency call boxes when they are installed.
The exterior lighting team works hard to ensure that our campus is safe and well-lit. Thank you so much for all the important work you are doing!