Asset Management Articles

Staff Spotlight: Federico Albarracin


Federico Albarracin has been working with UC Davis and Facilities Management for four years as a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist. Federico began as an intern in the GIS office in 2018 before being hired as a full-time staff member in November 2020.

In his current role, Federico primarily manages updates to AutoCAD utilities master files, ensuring that the data accurately reflects the most updated state and locations of assets. He also works to keep Facilities Maps updated, prioritizing detail, precision and accuracy.

Keeping our Work Order Management System Efficient

This quarter we’re highlighting a team that works to ensure our work order management system runs smoothly and efficiently: the Tririga Users Group! This Group meets monthly to look into any changes that can be made to improve work order management for both facilities employees and customers. 

The Tririga work order management system allows facilities staff to assign work tasks to certain shops, track the progress of tasks, and mark tasks as resolved or complete. Facilities Management (FM) customers who have access to Tririga can submit tasks and track their progress. 

Asset Management

Our Services

Asset Management is responsible for optimizing the full life cycle of university facilities and equipment of over 80,000 maintainable assets across the UC Davis campus. Our expertise includes:

Making a Difference with Deferred Maintenance


The Asset Management Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) and ICAMP teams within Facilities Management (FM) are currently tracking nearly 200 deferred maintenance projects funded by Assembly Bill 94 (AB94) from 2019, 2020, and 2021 along with the State Budget Act from 2021. What a huge undertaking! Let’s check in with the team and see where we are today. 

These teams consist of: 

Resourcefulness Leads to Big Savings!

In April 2020, Facilities Management (FM) was notified by Design Construction Management (DCM) of several buildings on the Davis campus that were slated to be decommissioned. The notification allows our teams the option to identify any equipment or materials that might be useful to use for future projects.

FCA Team Tackles Project - Benefiting All UC!

In 2016, Facilities Management (FM) started a venture with the University of California, Office of President (UCOP) to create a UC-wide program to evaluate every significant piece of real property on campuses. This program would evaluate the property’s current condition, potential failure and mission-critical-importance level. Today, ten UC campuses utilize this program to have an accurate assessment of Deferred Maintenance (DM) needs for all UC buildings and infrastructure including equipment based on actual asset conditions.