Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Stormwater Infrastructure

Acknowledging stormwater as a valuable resource, The UC Davis Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) has guided new campus construction to incorporate stormwater strategies to mitigate construction impacts by reducing runoff and improving water quality.  Campus Planning and Landscape Architecture works closely with EH&S to guide and shape the designs for these features. 

The western lawn at Rock Hall has been converted to a permeable bike parking area that drains into a vegetated basin. Once the basin reaches capacity, the overflow moves the water into the adjacent campus stormwater drainage system.
The western lawn at Rock Hall has been converted to a permeable bike parking area that drains into a vegetated basin. Once the basin reaches capacity, the overflow moves the water into the adjacent campus stormwater drainage system.

The western lawn at Rock Hall has been converted to a permeable bike parking area that drains into a vegetated basin. Once the basin reaches capacity, the overflow moves the water into the adjacent campus stormwater drainage system.

Davis has received over 16 inches of rain during the 2019 winter/spring season so far, allowing us to observe these basins and swales in action. The images above are just a few of the stormwater features at work. 

More information on implemented stormwater infrastructure can be found at

Campus Map of recently completed stormwater infrastructure projects


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