Utility Rates & Recharge


For questions, data requests, and account updates, please email utilbill@ucdavis.edu.

Utility Rates

Utilities Operations is responsible for developing campus utility rates, metering usage, and billing for utility services. Utility rates are developed to allocate fairly the full cost of each utility system, without profit or subsidy, to customers who benefit from it.

Rates are developed and submitted for approval via the campus rate review process administered by the Office of Budget & Institutional Analysis. Rates are based on the anticipated cost of system operation for the period the rate covers, in order to provide as much budget predictability as possible to our customers.

Rates as of July 1, 2024

(Billing Units)
Commodities-Only CostSimple RatesA  Non-State AffiliatedBNon-State
Electricity (kWh)

(incremental) $0.1109

(blended) $0.1084

Building Gas (therms)$1.3628$1.4981$1.9119$2.6002
Domestic Water (ccf)$1.5803$2.9999$3.8284$5.2067
Sewer (ccf)$0.3486$3.5403$4.5182$6.1447
Chilled Water (ton-hrs)$0.0910$0.1893$0.2416$0.3285
Steam (k-lbs)$10.4240$11.6038$18.2247$24.7856
Notes for Engineering and Cost Analyses
  1. For incremental analyses for state‐supported uses (e.g., comparing green power purchase agreements, water conservation, etc.), use the "Commodities-Only Cost." Use the higher incremental rate for electricity, as that cost reflects the last electricity purchased.
  2. For non-incremental analyses (e.g., determining how much it costs to support Building A vs. Building B), use the "Simple Rates."
  3. For financial analysis of work proposed for non-state, affiliated utility customers (e.g., Housing), use the "Non-State Affiliated" rates.
  4. For financial analysis of work proposed for non‐state, non‐affiliated utility customers (e.g., Contractors, Public/Private Partnerships, USDA), use the "Non-State Non-Affiliated" rates.

Campus Rate Review Information

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On-Campus Recharge

Utilities Operations  recharges for utility services provided to on-campus spaces.

The Colleges at La Rue

Utilities are provided to the residents at the Colleges at La Rue. For information about billing and the move out process, click the link below.

Student Utilities at the Colleges

Temporary Utilities

Temporary utilities are provided to support the construction of new buildings, renovation of existing space, or special projects.  The Utility Billing Memo has information and instructions for Design & Construction Management and contractors.

The following information is required by the Utilities Department prior to connecting temporary utilities:

  • Customer name
  • Address & phone #
  • Project name
  • Project manager
  • Accounts payable contact name, email, phone
  • Email for monthly invoices if different than AP contact
Mixed Use Occupancy Buildings
  • FacilitiesLink is the official office or record regarding space allocation per building. Therefore it's the department's responsibility to ensure that FacilitiesLink is kept up to date. In addition, please be advised that we will not make billing adjustments beyond the current fiscal year. 
  • Some buildings on campus contain multiple departments. If a non-state supported department occupies space in a mixed-use building, we recharge utilities by multiplying their associated square foot percentage by the total building use per commodity.


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Off-Campus Purchased Utilities

Utilities Operations is responsible for the management of purchased utilities accounts where the University has operational control of space off-campus.

Leased Space

In situations where a department occupies leased space, we defer to the parameters of the lease to define who manages the purchased utilities accounts. If the lease states that utilities are the responsibility of the occupant, the campus department should coordinate with Real Estate Services to contact us to establish a new purchased utility account(s).

To Start a New Purchased Utility Account

Please email the Utilities Department when establishing a new service and provide the following information:

  • Occupying department name
  • Department accounts payable contact name, email, phone
  • Department FAU for utilities payment
  • Vendor account information (i.e., vendor name, vendor account #, & service address)
  • Latest copy of vendor invoice, if possible

For Changes to an Existing Purchased Utility Account

It is the department’s responsibility to let us know when the following changes occur:

  • Department moves out of their leased space
  • There is a new accounts payable contact
  • You wish to change the FAU being used for utilities payment

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  • AState/Campus-Supported Space
  • BHousing, DCM, ect.
  • CContractors, P3s, etc.