Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Key Control Managers

Department heads authorize the issuance of metal keys or electronic access cards and credentials to employees. Department heads assign one individual and a backup the responsibility to maintain metal key inventory records and to manage the physical inventory. 


Top Responsibilities of a Key Manager 

  1. Issue and control metal keys and electronic access cards and credentials to their assigned spaces.
  2. Recover all metal keys from students, faculty, staff, and affiliates who no longer need access to secured areas. 
  3. Maintain accurate records consisting of the following:
    • Inventory of all metal keys and electronic access cards and credentials to include the total number and types of metal keys issued by Facilities Management, assigned to each individual (including the individual’s signature and dates of issue, return, or loss), and the total number and type of metal keys unassigned.
    • Records of electronic access granted or denied to an affiliate.
  4. Store unassigned metal keys in a locked receptacle kept in a secured area. 
  5. Conduct annual key audits of metal key issuance and inventory to ensure access control and accurate records. 


UC Davis Policies

Key/Access Card Control and Electronic Access Control System 
Key/Access Card Eligibility Criteria 



  • What do I do if someone turns in a key and I do not know who it belongs to?
  • Contact the Customer Experience Center at 530-752-1655 or
  • How do I find out who is my Key Control Manager?
  • You can view the current list of key control managers here
  • What do I do if my key is lost or stolen?
  • Contact the Customer Experience Center at 530-752-1655

Form Instructions

  • Locate your department Key Control Manager on this list
  • Review the name(s) listed.
  • If the information is correct, there is no need to use the form below.
  • If a contact person is incorrect or you would you like to submit additional information, fill out the form below to edit/update your contact information.
    • for example, a retirement or department change
This is the name of the contact person that needs editing/updating.