Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Sewer Disposal Guidelines

To ensure continued compliance with permit conditions and prevent problems from occurring at the wastewater treatment plant, the University has developed a comprehensive sewer disposal policy with specific sewer discharge limits for over 100 constituents of concern. 

Please email any questions or concerns regarding discharges to the campus sewer system to


The sewer disposal policy and discharge limits are known in wastewater engineering as "Local Limits".

Numerical Local Limits

Numerical Local Limits refers to the microgram/liter sewer discharge limitation established for UC Davis. These limitations apply at the point of discharge to the sanitary sewer system (e.g., laboratory drains). Wastewater exceeding any of these limitations cannot be discharged without specific approval from UC Davis Facilities Management. 

For example:

Aluminum87 ug/l
Ammonia-Nitrogen240,000 ug/l
Barium700 ug/l
Cyanide20 ug/l
Electrical Conductivity900 umhos/cm
Qualitative Local Limits

Qualitative Local Limits refers to sewer limitation based on the physical properties of the substance. 

Such as:

Colorful waste
Excess quantities of oils or fats that may plug up sewer pipes
Solid or viscous waste


View the Sewer Disposal Policy

View the Numerical Local Limits

Need Definitions and Abbreviations? See our documentation here.

Can this go down the drain?