An Unideal Spot For a Thermostat
Sometimes a singular thermostat controls a range of spaces in order to service larger buildings' heating and cooling more efficiently.
However, some thermostat locations aren't in the best spot for temperature control.
Starting at the end of November, the TherMOOstat Team began to receive cold and chilly votes from Tupper Hall. The votes prompted our team to look into what may be causing the TherMOOstat users to experience discomfort.
What We Found
For this area, one of the thermostats in the hallway was controlling the heating and cooling for seven offices. Hallways require a greater volume of air to cool, and it caused this thermostat to work hard to cool the space it was reading. However, the airflow was going into the seven offices along the hallway rather than just the hallway and overcooling those spaces. As a result, office occupants were experiencing discomfort.
We submitted a work order on our TherMOOstat user's behalf to change the location of the thermostat to an office space instead of the hallway.
Fortunately for our avid TherMOOstat user, her office was deemed the most suitable location for a new thermostat!

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Investigating Young
Lily, a Green Buildings Intern at the Energy Conservation Office, investigated Young Hall after we received countless cold and chilly complaints. Thanks to her work, the temperature went from consistently cold to normal.