human resources

Hot Feedback Identifies Imbalance in Airflow

"Great googly moogly - I can only take so many clothes off and my office is a boiler. What am I supposed to do...just askin'. Even my colleagues say my office is super hot and they are cold running folks. The last person in here said it was the hottest place he had ever been and was glad to leave!!!"

This comment from an enthusiastic TherMOOstat user prompted our team to take a look into the thermostat settings for this office in the Human Resources Building.


We discovered a row of offices in the Human Resources building had poor temperature control. Through a site visit, we found the vent in one of the offices was closed, causing the air to flow into the next-door office. 

The vents in the offices were causing an imbalance in airflow. Some rooms were oversupplied with air while others had restricted flow.

HR Office



We manually adjusted the vents and communicated with the occupants to fix the issue. At the end of our site visit, we left data loggers in the room to confirm a change in temperatures.

I think opening the vents in my office helped. I had always been told to keep them closed but it made the problem worse.


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