math sciences building

Cold Feedback Identifies Issues With Thermostat Placement

You're smarter than a thermostat because a thermostat takes temperature readings of the surrounding area. Only you, the person in the room, know the context of the space, such as there's no thermostat in your room or in the afternoon the sun shines on the thermostat. 

In October, we received a comment from Room 3117 in the Math Sciences Building.

We were able to determine that the occupant was able to control their temperature setting on the thermostat in the room; however, the occupant still thought the room was chronically cold.​

math sciences building


Our team conducted a site visit to the office and discovered that the thermostat was hidden directly behind a computer monitor! As a result, it was causing a discrepancy in the actual temperature of the room.

The warm air from the monitor was tricking the thermostat into thinking the room was warmer than it actually was, so the thermostat was trying to cool the room constantly, resulting in discomfort on this TherMOOstat user's behalf.



monitor thermostat



Sometimes the fix can be complicated and needs a lot of investigating to figure out what's going on, other times it can be as simple as changing a monitor's location. Thanks to this occupant's feedback, we were able to quickly improve their comfort.


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