Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

From Cars to Microchips

Jesus "Chuy" Reyes' Impact in Fleet Services

This month, we are highlighting Fleet Services’ Student Attendant, Jesus “Chuy” Reyes. He is a fifth-year Material Science and Technology major while working at FM. Chuy has been with Fleet Services for five months and loves working hands-on with cars.

As a Student Attendant, Chuy maintains the cars in Fleet by filling up gas tanks, vacuuming, cleaning interiors, and checking fluids and tire pressure. Occasionally, he picks up tools for the mechanics or visits vehicle dealerships to transport any serviced cars.

Following his graduation next Spring, Chuy hopes to work in technology. He is interested in metallurgy and the intel field, especially working with microchips. Through observing his co-workers fix cars, he has become more technically sound, which has given him the knowledge he wouldn’t have otherwise learned in a classroom. His work with Fleet will assist him in whichever path he pursues.

When Chuy is not studying or at Fleet, he is likely playing or watching sports. He tries to keep up with all sports, but soccer and football are his favorites! His favorite soccer team is the Chivas de Guadalajara, and he was lucky enough to see them play last month in Los Angeles against the LA Galaxy. Welcome to FM, Chuy –we are thrilled to have you on board!

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