Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Plan a Project

Projects are submitted by starting an estimate request in Tririga. 

When do you submit an estimate request?

  • If you have a building maintenance task with multiple services, e.g., a new sink that requires plumbing for the installation and structural for the counter to hold the sink 
  • If you are adding equipment and/or services that are outside the standard services, e.g., adding a garbage disposal, changing the flooring, or installing blinds
  • If you are looking for an Office Refresh, i.e., new paint, floor covering, ceiling tiles, blinds, and LED lighting
  • If you want a price estimate for a project or work task to determine if a project scope is feasible at a specific location

What are the steps to submit an estimate request?

  1. Submit an estimate request online in Tririga using the "Estimate Request" button.
  2. An Inspector/Planner/Estimator (IPE) will contact you about performing an on-site visit.
  3. The IPE will create a proposal and send it to you for approval.
  4. After you have approved, the IPE will coordinate the work with the different trades in Facilities.
  5. Once work has started, if you have questions or want more information your main point of contact will be your IPE.

What does the request form look like?

  • Sample request form
  • A blank estimate form in Tririga


  • What kind of information should I put in the estimate description?
  • It is helpful for our staff to know what kind of work you'd like done. For example, a good description for us is "extending purified lab water lines across the lab".
  • What should I put in the longer description box/form field?
  • Please use this space to add details. For example, "extending the DI water lines in my lab from my filtered DI system to a wall unit on the other side of the lab". 
  • What do I put in the Comments section of the request form? 
  • Please use this section to add an additional phone number or email address, or specify a preferred mode of contact. This space is for you to add any additional details relevant to the work you need done. 
  • If I want to attach a photo to show the work I need, where do I put this on the request form?
  • There is a section titled "Related Documents" on the request form. Please use this section to attach photos, drawings, or site maps. We appreciate the extra context and information. 
  • How do I know if my department must cover the cost of the requested work order?
  • Facilities Management will generally maintain fixed equipment and building systems (roofing, HVAC, flooring, etc) that are original to the building.  Maintenance to department-owned equipment is typically performed on a recharge basis.  If you have questions or are unsure if your request requires a recharge account number, please contact the Customer Experience Center at (530) 752-1655 or
  • If I submit an estimate, will I get a quote before I agree to the work being done?
  • Yes. Please indicate on the request that you would like a quote prior to work being performed. After you submit your request an Investigator, Planner, Estimator (IPE) will come to do an on-site visit and draw up a proposal. You need to approve this proposal before work starts. 
  • May I hire my own vendor or outside contractor for maintenance, repair, or remodeling?
  • No. the campus must follow strict policy and legal guidelines in the bidding of projects and hiring of contractors. In addition, it is often preferable to use in-house services for facility maintenance or alterations because Facilities Management staff understand the campus infrastructure in detail, including the many codes and regulations that govern the research activities for which many facilities are used.
  • What happens when a project exceeds $50k? 
  • The Stull Act limits Facilities from completing projects over $50,000. When a project is estimated to exceed this amount, customers are asked to submit a Space and Project Needs Request form to the Design & Construction Management department.